Tuesday, March 14, 2023

September 2022

Ivy found her toes!

Felix and Axel had a make-up taekwondo class together, and Felix thought it was so fun to be with the big kids!

Axel and Felix got to shadow spar against each other.

Pretty girl ready for church.

Playing k-nex with Grampa.

Ivy won't stay on her blanket while I shower anymore.

Suddenly Felix can draw people!

Ivy is so good at tummy time.

Axel went to the Stake Activity Day and had a blast!

Huge marshmallow slingshot, trying to hit a Goliath cut-out.

Axel and his friend Boston

What amazing abs!

5 months old!

Felix's drawing of Mommy and Ivy as worms

Felix's preschool haul for the week. They make the cutest things there!

Ivy is really good at scooting backwards.

She got up on her hands and knees!

Trying so hard to go forward.

Wow, she is REALLY not staying on her blanket now!

Hanging with Daddy.

Ivy trying to eat my knee.

Axel's Fun Run at school. All that taekwondo is paying off, he was able to run the whole time and looked so athletic!

Can you spot Felix (he didn't want to be in the picture)

Felix kicking the bubbles from the bubble machine.

Ivy wearing a cute frilly outfit.

Felix's handprint chickens from preschool.

Felix did swim lessons. He has a lifejacket on because they had jumped in the deep end and them swam over to the shallow end.

My dad met us at the Temple and we did an endowment session together while Jeff took the kids mini-golfing.

Jeff took me on a date for my birthday, but the restaurant we went to first had too long of a wait (I needed to get back to nurse Ivy), so we went next door to pizza place. It was fun!

Picture before church.

Jeff got me a Bosch mixer!

My birthday haul from my parents.

Jeff's birthday haul from my parents (they had him open his presents early while they were visiting)

Happy 35th to me!

She is so good at rocking back and forth.

Axel playing his favorite piano song, Ode to Joy, with his eyes closed.

Axel drew a turtle at school.

Accidental nap on the couch.

Woah baby, how did you get there? (Notice sick Felix in the background, poor guy)

And there?

Then she tired herself out.

Ivy managed to get her toy on her leg.


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