Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Sorry for the massive delay in posting. Blogspot and the photos on my computer are having a rough time communicating so it takes forever to make a post. Plus the holidays put me behind!

Buried under my children.

Cute brothers!

Papa stayed with us for a night. Always great to spend time with him!

Watching videos of the elephants and crocodiles and hippos that Papa saw in Africa.

So cute in his bear suit.

Looking like the boss of Costco.

Shameless selfie with the new earrings I got from Nana and Papa!

Walking like a pro with his walker.

Felix trying to imitate me twirling a toy on my finger.

I visited a ward on their Ward Conference day, and they had pictures from the Pinewood Derby up! It made me so happy that I could do this for the kids every year.

Messy face!

Gramma came to visit!

Gramma snapped this picture of me playing with Felix, which is a great memory! I play with him all day long, but it is nice to have a pictures since it's usually just the two of us.

Silly giggles!

Axel with the Legos he and Gramma built.

Trying to put a sock on Axel's foot.

Hanging out in my bed.

Jeff and I *may* have fallen asleep on the couch.

Practicing walking with Gramma.

We went to frozen yogurt.

Jeff gave us a tour of the new office space at Blue Sky, and of course we had to take pictures with the movie poster!

I think they're brothers.

Felix hack: he'll eat most anything if you feed it to him with chopsticks. This is salami.

Axel helping Felix walk.

He looks so big in Axel's old jammies!

Serious bedhead.

Felix with his favorite babysitter, Kaylynn.

Kaylynn took him out in the hallway for part of Stake Conference (Jeff was out of town), and then sent me this video.

It POURED getting to the car after Stake Conference! This picture doesn't even do it justice. We were sopped! And it didn't help that the parking lot was really far away from the concert hall where the meeting was held!

Axel learned about Native American face paint at school.

Thanksgiving turkey.

Time for Thanksgiving Dinner!

Axel said, "I feel brave when I have guns in my pants!"

Some really good walking practice!

2011 and 2019

Axel and Jeff posing with Jeff's early Christmas present (ipad and ipencil).

Watching Daddy draw on the new ipad.

Axel's drawings:

A meerkat and bird.

An interesting school assignment. The turkey he drew is amazing!

Halloween assignment I found on the wall at school.

This is supposed to be things he is thankful for. Cat? He forgot his brother but wrote cat? (The others are Dad, Bed, my car, Mom, Ms Garrett)

Axel took the liberty of including Felix's wishlist to Santa in his letter. I love this part, "Hi Santa: you don't have to get me everything."

Axel made up a ninja named Yushoo.

Can you tell these drawings were done at church?

Robot Missionary

Such a good Rocky!

Felix Shenanigans:

Stuffing toys under the rug.

Sitting in bins is more fun.

There has been A LOT of this...

Not so happy that he learned this one. He climbed up on his activity table, if you can't tell.

"He lay there like a slug. It was his only defense."

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