Monday, August 13, 2018

Late July-Early August

Hanging out on the floor

"Who, me?"

Axel looks SO HUGE now!

Modeling an adorable outfit.

We grabbed donuts after picking up Grandma from the airport (luckily for us, she can get a direct flight to the small county airport by our house! Much easier than going to JFK!)

Sometimes Felix sleeps with his eyes open...

We are so in love with that hair!

Playing with Grandma!

Cuddle bug.

I love his cute expressions!

We took a walk around the pond. I love that Axel is standing like I am. He is definitely my child!

He looks so chubby!

Sunday best with Grandma!

Axel reading to (a sleeping) Felix

Thinking about waking up.

We got to skype with the new baby cousin, Abram! Felix and Abram are 4 weeks apart, and have so far been the same size at the same time. We'll see if that holds!

Giving us the side-eye

Super excited on his activity mat

Straining to see brother reading a book

Did I mention his hair?

One month old!

Those perfect lips.

Axel drew a family picture! The order goes (from left to right): Axel, Mommy (wearing a baseball hat), and Felix getting held by Daddy.

Trapped by a sleeping baby

Daddy snuggles!

Contemplating his bottle

Looking chubby while milk-drunk

I asked Axel to entertain Felix while I pumped, so he showed him his Lego cards

He's getting better at reaching for (or at least accidentally knocking into) the toys

Daddy multi-tasking (playing Nintendo with Axel while holding Felix)

We finally pulled out the old baby toys, and I think Axel had more fun playing with them than Felix did.

It has been too hot and quite impossible to go to the park. So one morning we threw clothes on and headed out at 7:45am.

We were about to head out the door, and Felix was fussy while I was going to the bathroom. I came out to Axel pretending that they were in the car so that Felix would calm down. Such a good big brother!

Smiles at about 1:35. He really made me work to get one!

Axel got shin-guards in preparation for soccer, and has found many uses for them.

I had to document our first time at church (after we got home, of course, to show that we survived). He slept through sacrament meeting, but I only got to go to 30 seconds of Sunday School before he woke up and demanded to be fed. And he was fussy throughout Relief Society so I went to about 10 minutes combined of that. But still, we made it through our first day back!

He fell asleep touching his crunchy book

Another attempt to go to the park early enough to beat the heat. This time was unsuccessful. I had to take him out of the sling because he was too hot.

Axel's super sweaty head.

Felix finally started reactively smiling at the beginning of August (around 5 weeks old)

So happy while I ate breakfast one morning. I love his pose at the end!

Total limp baby

At the doctor's office for his 6 week check-up and shots!

6 week stats:
9 lb 6.5 oz (18%)
22 inches tall (44%)
Head 15.4 inches (83%)

I've been going to a lactation support class at the hospital because we've been having a myriad of problems nursing that had culminated in me spending 1/3 of my day nursing and/or pumping. I went to the support class and weighed him before and after nursing, and the little stink had drunk 4 oz! Normal for his size is 3-3.5 oz a feeding. So I no longer need to do the painstakingly tedious routine we were doing. As I am writing this a week later, he has been almost exclusively breastfed for the past week! Yay!

Axel read Felix a book, and Felix smiled at him! So darling!

And another smile to round out the post.

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