Tuesday, September 10, 2024

April 2024 (Ivy's birthday, Natalie visit)

So Easter was on March 31st this year, so the next day was April 1st, which is why this is posted in April not March. So after the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday the 30th, Ivy got into her brothers' candy and ate a ton. She then threw up during the night. We thought it was because of the candy so we went to church as usual. She threw up again Sunday night, and I thought "huh, weird." Monday morning (pictures below) we went on a beautiful hike. She fell asleep on the floor as we were getting ready, in the car on the way there, in the hiking backpack during the hike, and still took a nap when we got home. This is all very strange behavior. That night, Felix and I got super sick with the stomach flu, and Jeff and Axel the next day. So.... she actually had the stomach flu the whole time. Whoops! (We managed not to infect my family, whom we had visited on Sunday, so that was good)

Cows on the trail!

Nowhere to sit and have a snack, so a couple random rocks in the middle of the trail will have to do!

This outfit is the bomb. Also with Felix's slippers!

Then turned the hat around and put on high heels. Such a silly girl!

We really needed groceries after the puke-apocalypse, so Ivy got to wear her jammies to the store first thing in the morning, since that was the only time we could go.

Her favorite book for a couple months was "Silly Sally" and she had it memorized.

Felix hearing his "walk-up" music for the first time. He chose "I am a GummiBear"

He also tried coach-pitch at his next at-bat. He did awesome!

Ivy stole my sunglasses.

Axel's 5th grade band concert. It may be painful to listen too, but I thought it was important to preserve for posterity, haha.

Looking cute for her birthday party!

Gramma and Grampa and Uncle Brenny came over for dinner and presents and cake (and watched Felix and Ivy during the band concert)

She's not too sure about that candle.

But the cake she was excited about!

Aunt Natalie flew in on Ivy's actual birthday, so we got to celebrate all over again!

Immediately wanted to try on the clothes Grandma J sent.

Cake round 2.

Cute dress from Natalie and grocery card from Grandma J.

Bingo night at school.

Axel needed to make a Houdini puppet for a school project, so we sacrificed Charlie Brown's arms. RIP Charlie Brown.

The kids' favorite activity was getting chased by Aunt Natalie.

Skyjo, always a favorite game.

Also a game called "Green Team Wins" that Felix loves. I love to discover how he thinks words are spelled. This is supposed to be "potato." I like his spelling better!

All too soon it was time for Natalie to go back home! Boohoo!

Another Saturday, another baseball game. I love Felix's pose here.

Note to self: don't let Ivy hold an orange during the car ride. She won't just hold it, she will eat it, peel and all.

Axel's 5th grade musical, all about America. He's in the blue in the front row.

Trying out pigtails. They didn't last long.

Ivy loves to draw!

She also loved this hat at the grocery store, so naturally we had to buy it.

Felix's Kindergarten class. He's in the front in the green sweatshirt.

Spring Fling fundraiser/party at school.

Axel getting put to work selling ice cream.

Felix's primary class held their lesson in a "tent" like they were listening to King Benjamin.

Axel (and Jeff) went with the youth from our ward to the Temple.

Felix is in swim lessons and is doing awesome!

Few things I made recently: 

Matching dresses for Easter.

Car-themed outfits for my twin niece and nephew's birthday. They turned out so cute!


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