Tuesday, August 15, 2023

April 2023 and Ivy is ONE!

 Felix's baseball games started, and dominated our schedule for the next 2 months!

His team looks so serious!

Felix's first hit in a t-ball game!

Jeff and Axel helping coach third base during a game.

Felix earned the "game ball" for working really hard and paying attention during the game.

Following is a smattering of videos from various games. 

Later in the season, they got to try coach-pitch. Felix hit the first pitch thrown at him!

Axel helping Ivy get a drink of water.

Part of Ivy's feeding therapy was trying to get her to drink out of this cup, which I could squeeze to get some into her mouth. She quickly figured out how to use the straw herself!

Aunt Julie came for a visit!

She got Felix this puzzle and he put it together so quickly!

Felix's baseball game started out rainy, but luckily it didn't last.

Felix is always so happy to play baseball!

Julie at the Oakland Temple.

The 5 of us did a temple session together. It was wonderful!

3 pics I stole from Julie:

We had a great visit with Julie and it was nice to have the help!

Axel made us pancakes one morning.

Some pictures of Felix at preschool.

How great is this frog?

At an activity for the elementary school.

Axel's talent for the church talent show was baking brownies.

Ivy's first bite of ice cream.

Gramma came to a baseball game.

Ivy and I have some time to kill between school pick-ups, and she likes to play in the backseat of the car.

Carrying things around in her mouth.

We went to an A's game and had so much fun!

The boys were given a game ball by an usher. So cool!

Ivy discovered she can open her drawers and pull out clothes.

Part of Ivy's feeding therapy is to eat crumbled up food. This day, she wanted to lick the crumbs.

Axel went on a fieldtrip for GATE to an observatory and had a lot of fun.

Lunch with Daddy!

On Ivy's birthday I tried to take some nice pictures in the dress I made her, but none of them turned out perfectly. But that's ok! She's such a ham!

We went to a little petting farm in Berkeley.

We visited Daddy at work.

Hanging out in the backyard.

Dying Easter Eggs.

Ivy dressed as a bunny for Easter!

Being goofy before the hunt begins!

Axel found the Darth Vader egg with $20 in it!

Then we celebrated Ivy's first birthday!

Ivy successfully ate cake! Hooray!

Playing with her new piano. Thanks Grandma J!

Ivy riding her new bike, thanks to Nana and Papa!

Being dangerous under the table.

Preschool fieldtrip to the zoo.

Ivy somehow got a hold of the instructional manual for her crib and chewed on it, then fell asleep.

Cute outfit from Great Grandma and Grandpa R.

Now that Ivy figured out how to eat, she has turned into a mooch! 

She is so good at standing.

I got to attend the temple with my dad. 

All dressed up for Easter Sunday!

Mommy-and-me outfits at church with my friend Ata.

Things I sewed this month:

Garden Party Dress for me

Melanie Maxi for Ivy

Dino shirts for my twin niece and nephew, but the pattern I used for the girl one was much smaller!

So I decided to make the next size up, and give the smaller one to Ivy. Blue dino is a Anything But Basic tee, and the 2 pink dinos are Apple Berry top.

Back-and-front shirt I made from panels from Knitfabrics.com for Axel.

Ivy about to steal the shirt.

Little thief!

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