Friday, March 26, 2021

July 2020

In July we were able to be outside a LOT.

Felix being silly with a bag on his head. 

Otter pops are life.

Gotta get that lasts drop.

We went on an awesome hike at Mirror Lake up in the Uinta Mountains.

Felix thought this trick was really funny, and we thought so too.

Until he lost his hold and fell face first!

Felix really wanted to sit on this log, but picked a very pokey spot!

After resting a bit, we decided to tackle another hike in the area, but it turns out our legs were really tired! So we only went a short way then turned back.

We had to do a Lion King picture, of course.

We also stopped by a lovely waterfall.

Axel loved being in the cold water.

Fourth of July

Felix and Uncle Alex playing catch.

Somersaults in the backyard.

Gotta throw poppers on the Fourth of July! (At least in Utah you do)

Watching the neighbor's huge firework show.

Roasting some marshmallows in the backyard.

Felix is pretty good at riding Axel's tornado!

After MUCH ado, Axel learned how to ride a bike! Hooray!

Axel helping Papa mow the lawn.

Felix enjoying the freshly mowed grass.

Axel ready for an adventure!

What a cutie pie. (The band aids were an attempt to stop the thumb sucking. Didn't work, since he learned he could pull them off)

Daddy bought a Virtual Reality set, and everyone was happy to try it out.

How did you climb in there?

Felix and Scout.

We were able to spend the day at a campground in Little Cottonwood Canyon. A few people slept over night too (not me or Felix).

We had delicious tinfoil dinners.

I'm pretty sure Felix had 5 marshmallows.

I didn't bother counting how many Axel had.

Felix and Uncle Kaden.

Nana, Felix, Papa, Alex, Kaden, GG, Axel, Me, and Daddy.

A boy and "his" dog.

We braved the park since so few people were there.

Felix wanted a turn spinning Daddy and Axel.

Felix getting much better at saying sounds!

Nana took Axel on lots of hikes this Summer.

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