He can stand! Hooray! He can't pull himself up yet, but if you stand him up holding onto something, he can do it!
Green beans were not acceptable this day.
Found Axel entertaining Felix this way one morning.
Swingin' at the park.
First baseball game of 2019!
They hit off the tee for the first few games.
First score of the year.
Happy after the Sharks advanced!
Zoo day was busted by the parking lots being completely full, so we got ice cream and went to a park instead.
There aren't any bucket swings at the park we went to, so we tried out one of these! He thought it was pretty funny.
Playing peekaboo with Daddy's hat.
10 months old! Boy does time fly!
Axel's best friend Meg likes to carry Felix around.
Felix LOVES doors! He is constantly swinging them open and closed, and gets so mad when he accidentally shuts it all the way!
This is how Felix gets around now. Rolling and a weird reaching crawl.
Another funny homework drawing. The prompt was to draw a picture of something that begins with the letter Y.
Sweetest brothers.
Sleepy head!
Sitting on a couch like a big boy!
Crawling after a K-Nex dinosaur Axel made.
Jeff took Axel to free comic day at a local comic shop, and Axel didn't want to take a picture with the X-wing pilots unless Daddy did it first!
First coach-pitch hit!
So happy to play with the soccer ball!
Unfortunately I forgot the sunscreen that day, and we were outside all afternoon for sports... Whoops!
And it got worse as the night wore on!
Rolling around while stuck on his toy.
Somebody wouldn't stop licking the Target cart, so he had to go into baby jail.
So much to say!
Eating a muffin! He ended up eating most of it. I'm trying to give him more and more finger food. So far he is very resistant to slimy things (like pieces of banana) on his hands.
Axel's piece at the school's art show.
Felix was sick one evening and fell asleep on Daddy.
Another day of soccer and baseball. Cutie loved to play peekaboo with his hat!
He looks like such a big boy now!
Me too, kid. Me too.
Self portrait by Axel.
Daddy bought a chin-up bar to help Axel with his arm strength. The record so far is 12!
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