I didn't take many pictures in February (aside from our trip to California, in the next post) because we were sick with the flu for half the month.
Pictures from Axel's class:
Valentines day party
100th Day of School party.
Funny words again.
The next few pictures are funny places that Felix has rolled himself:
Not sure how he accomplished that one!
He discovered that the strap to Axel's backpack makes a good toy. He batted it around for about 20 minutes!
Trying to steal Mommy's sheet music!
We had one nice day where we were able to go outside and play, so we tried out our new Star Wars bubble machine! It was awesome.
Swinging at the park for the first time (sorry about the excess background noise).
Jeff and Axel helped out at a food pantry one morning.
Trying out a french fry.
The next 3 pictures are "Felix conquers the flu":
Axel was going stir crazy from missing so much school, and we had a snow day and our neighbors invited him over to play in the snow (he was feeling better but the rest of us were still sick). He had soooo much fun!
Nana, Kotona, and Axel
Axel made up the rules for this game, and it is totally unfair, haha.
Axel drew this for his homework after we got back from California. Can you tell which baby is Felix? Hint, look at the hair.
Felix turned 8 months old!
Goodbye February, can't say I miss you... Did I mention that the flu is the worst? Because it is.
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