Axel at his school's Winter Wonderland.
Poor sick kid.
He was happy sometimes though. We were so glad when that sickness was over!
Cutest brothers!
Such a noisy dude.
Some of Axel's funny drawings:
Axel left me a note on a (dirty) napkin
At school they get to pick what words to draw, and his are so funny!
A card he made for Jeff and I
A chilly walk around the neighborhood.
Official Christmas picture
Cat nap on Daddy while reading "A Christmas Carol" to Axel.
Felix's last day of physical therapy at Blythedale! We switched to a different place with a more convenient schedule, but we loved our time at Blythedale.
Felix's first train ride into the city! We decided to all take the day off and spend it together having fun.
I did a session at the Manhattan Temple while the boys went to the Natural History Museum.
We also stopped at the Giving Machine at the temple.
Lunch at Shake Shack.
Central Park's ponds were starting to freeze.
Axel's one request for the day was to see the "LOVE" statue because they learned about it in art class.
Rockefeller Center
FAO Schwarz's new location
I picked out a new ornament.
Felix scooted under the tree and touched all the presents.
Those thighs! 😍
We did Christmas early, before we left for Utah.
They loved their new toys!
Ward Christmas Party
Matching Incredibles jammies from Gramma.
Axel's Holiday party at school.
Dancing to Baby Shark.
We were invited to a friend's train room. It was so cool! Axel loved it!
Of course he made it pick its nose. What a silly kid.
I got to visit Axel's class for his birthday and read a book to the class. Then they had a dance party.
It is so fun to see him interact with the other kids!
More Christmas presents!
Supporting our Sharks!
Axel loved opening his Star Wars advent calendar every morning.
Overall, December was a good month (minus all of us swapping the same cold virus around over and over again).
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