32 weeks (photo by Axel because we forgot over the weekend, and were a couple days late!)
33 weeks
I couldn't believe my belly looked this big when I sat down, so I sent this to Jeff.
Some of my Mother's Day loot. Not pictured: chocolate that was quickly devoured.
Close-up of the card from Jeff. If you can't tell, its the baby kicking and poking so hard that it gets Jeff in the jaw.
34 weeks
I had an ultrasound at 34 weeks, but our crazy little guy didn't want his picture taken. But he looking very healthy, and already over 5 pounds.
I filmed my belly for 4 minutes, then edited down to the best movements. Sorry that it cuts out mid-movement at the end; my camera ran out of storage.
I forgot how much fun it is to be pregnant. Thanks for filming the baby moving. That was awesome!! Love you