Thursday, September 14, 2017

Norman Rockwell Museum

Jeff had the Friday before Labor Day off, so we got up early and drove to Massachusetts for the Norman Rockwell Museum. We started out by playing tag in front of the museum, to help get Axel's wiggles out after a 2.5 hour drive.

In front of the museum.

Axel almost got all of us.

The grounds had statues by Peter Rockwell, one of the sons, and you could climb and sit on them.

An original print of the Post edition with the Crestwood Station painting.

They had a drawing room for kids.

Jeff and Axel collaborated for their edition of a Post cover.

Jeff with the actual painting of the Crestwood Train Station.

We could't take too many pictures inside because the most famous ones were in a no photography area with an Andy Warhol exhibit. It was really cool. There were so many originals of Rockwells at this museum (unfortunately neither of the 2 we own prints of...)! We even saw a couple of the models (he painted people who lived in his town, and they still live there) who come to do weekly talks.

The museum had a huge amount of land that you could run around in and explore. Here we are with some apple trees.

Can you find us?

Ringing the bell as we left.

Axel immediately fell asleep in the car, and his sunglasses were bobbing up and down. It was so cute.

We drove to the border of Massachusetts and New York to do a hike at Bash Bish Falls.

There's always time to be a robot.

The falls behind us.

Jeff doing some sketching.

We had a really fun day!

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