Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Axel and I flew in to Newark super late, Jeff picked us up, and we all drove the 2 hours to Philadelphia. Then a few hours later we got up and went to the Philadelphia Temple Open House (our tickets were for 8:30am!).

Walking around the area of the Temple, Axel stopped here because his "legs are soooo tired" and incidentally it made a great picture.

Then we went back to the hotel and took a 3 hour nap. Then we headed to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

The Rocky steps.

Axel ate breakfast in the hotel lobby like this one morning.

We went to the Philadelphia Zoo. The hippos came so close to us!


Gorillas lounging about.

We went to the Rodin Museum. Jeff and the Thinker.

We bought Axel a meerkat at the zoo, and they were inseparable. 

After church on the Sunday, we drove to Valley Forge since Jeff had not been and our hotel was really close. Axel staged this photo for me.

I had in mind a perfect place for our picnic lunch, but we didn't even last 5 minutes because it was super windy and we were attacked by bees. So we had to eat in the car again!

The while at George Washington's Headquarters, the heavens opened and POURED! We were soaked!

Axel got really good at jumping into the water while in Spokane. Here he is showing off his new skill to Jeff at the hotel pool.

Philadelphia was fun as usual! And the temple is beautiful! I'm glad we had the opportunity to go and see it.

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