Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Yellowstone, WY and Island Park, ID

We vacationed with the C side of the family to Yellowstone and Island Park. Unfortunately, newlyweds Kaden and Emma weren't able to make it, but we had Brandon, Olivia, and baby Caroline, and Alex, and Nana and Papa. Plus us. So we were still a big crew!

We made the drive from our house in California to Rexburg, ID, in one day (are we maniacs? Yes). We decided to grab dinner and eat it at Shoshone Falls in Idaho Falls. It was gorgeous!

The next day we drove from Rexburg into Yellowstone and set up our campsite (Ivy and I, and baby Caroline and one of her parents, stayed in a hotel the first couple nights. Everyone else camped.)

Felix is a huge fan of his cousin Caroline.

Once we set up camp. we drove to Old Faithful and walked around the boardwalks.

Old Faithful erupting in the background.

Waiting for dinner to cook.

The next morning, those of us at the hotel got up super early so we could be through the gates around 7am, to avoid long delays getting into the park.

Carrying her breakfast around.

Then we drove to Lamar Valley to see the big buffalo herd (They are the hundreds of small dots in the distance).

Then we did a short hike to a river.

The decent to the river was not on a trail and was pretty steep, so I decided to keep my pregnant self up above, so here are some pictures of the rest of the crew from above.

Closer pictures courtesy of Nana.

Alex and Felix.

We then stopped by the Upper Falls.

The next day, these two entertained Caroline while we made dinner.

Roasting hotdogs for dinner.

After dinner we went to Steamboat Geyser.

Buffalo close by the road. On our way back they were actually blocking the road for about a half hour.

Ivy was so tired that night she didn't even wake up when getting to the hotel, so she slept in her filthy clothes (she was so dirty by the end of every day, haha).

Caroline rolled over!

It was our 17th anniversary that day (later in the week we snuck off for a date to the Yellowstone Playhouse, but I didn't take any pictures there)

Helping Nana pack up the food.

Entertaining Caroline (and stealing her toys) while we broke camp.

After we broke camp, we went on a long hike (about 5 miles). Pretty hot spring water down below.

On the long part of the hike, to a waterfall.

15 weeks pregnant

Next we drove to Island Park, ID, and stayed in an awesome cabin.

Poor Ivy was so tired, she fell asleep on her plate.

And Felix wouldn't stay in his bed. 

Church was really cool. Island Park has only a couple hundred year-round residents, but is super full in the summer, so they have built a second chapel that they broadcast the meeting in. It was very full when we were there. Wonderful to see so many members attending church on their vacations!

After church, we went to a fish pond. 

The garage of the cabin had a hot tub and all kids of games.

Ivy loved playing with her baby cousin, who is nearly the same size as her!

A family favorite, the Marble Game.

One early morning a neighboring horse ranch was driving their horses to a different pasture and we happened to be passing by!

Nana stayed at the cabin with the babies while the rest of us rented UTVs. First we drove up a mountain.

It was really dusty but luckily Papa had handkerchiefs to tie around our faces.

This video does not accurately convey how bumpy it was. After this turn at the end of the video, it got really uneven, even muddy in some spots (we got quite splattered). But thats part of the fun. The scenery was all very beautiful. Island Park is gorgeous.

I did take a turn driving on the way back, though the others said it wasn't as fun because I'm not a maniac driver. (picture of Uncle Brandon letting Axel sit in the front).

After we stopped to refuel and have lunch, Felix and I decided to go back to the cabin (he was tired and I was done being jostled around). He got to hang onto the helmet for a couple more hours before we had to return it.

Nana playing with the babies:

Felix and Ivy stealing Caroline's toys.

Early morning shenanigans.

We rented jetskis and took them out on the reservoir right by our cabin.

Olivia and Axel.

Daddy and Felix.

Blowing kisses.

The kids and I also enjoyed wading in the water.

Wheelies! Jeff and Axel.

Ivy got to go with Daddy too!

This was on the way back. Jeff said she had fun but didn't smile the whole time, haha.

Brandon took Axel out, and they took a sharp turn and both got dumped off! Highlight of Axel's trip, I think.

I don't have a picture of them together, but when Alex took Felix out, Alex fell off but Felix stayed on. Luckily the emergency switch was clipped to Alex so the jetski automatically stopped. Felix thought it was awesome.

Nana and Felix. 

Snacks are life.

Ivy had missed her nap (too much fun playing in the water!) so she fell asleep next to her cousin during dinner prep.

The next day we did a short hike in the morning to some beautiful waterfalls.

Ivy insisted on wearing her hat like that.

I don't have any pictures, but after the hike people went off to do their own thing. It was Felix's birthday so Jeff took the boys fishing but a huge rainstorm rolled in and lightning struck pretty close to where they were setting up to fish. So they high-tailed it back to the cabin for a bit. Once the storm passed they went back out. Didn't catch any fish though.

We threw Felix a little 6th birthday party.

Ivy singing a song of her own invention. (As you can see from the background, it was absolutely gorgeous everywhere. This was at the cabin.)

Then we roasted some marshmallows, since it was our last night there!

We had an absolutely AMAZING trip and would do it again in a heartbeat. Thanks to Nana and Papa for organizing the trip!